Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program  (MBSR)

How would your life improve if you had the tools to experience real peace of mind, focus on what really matters, and find happiness and tranquility in any situation?

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program is world-renowned and designed to help you make lasting transformations in every aspect of your life.

If you’re ready to learn how to implement mindfulness and meditation practices to better your overall mind and body health  — this is for you.

The next program starts: Coming soon!

Do any of the following physical, emotional, and spiritual stress responses sound familiar to you?

  • B U S Y

  • A N X I O U S 

  • N O   C O N T R O L 

  • O V E R W H E L M

  • D I S C O N N E C T E D

  • P H Y S I C A L  P A I N 

  • H E A D A C H E S

  • F A T I G U E

  • T E N S I O N

  • B U R N   O U T 

  • A D D I C T I V E    B E H A V I O R S

  • I L L N E S S

Stress is on the rise. 

There is no sign of it yielding any time soon.

S t r e s s can lead to health problems and have a negative impact on your life and those around you. If ignored, s t r e s s can come out sideways and disrupt your life on a daily basis. 

You’ve probably heard, been advised and tried some of these ‘solutions’ before...

  • Learn ‘coping’ tools

  • Seek therapy

  • Read self-help books

  • Start Journaling

  • Add more exercise into your life

  • Try to eat healthier

The list goes on…

Despite your best efforts and intentions, you slip back into the same old habits and patterns. 

You quickly stay lost in thought, use excuses why you can’t enjoy life, be less productive at work, and watch relationships struggle. 

You unintentionally live life on auto-pilot instead of actively participating and living the way you want to.

You’re confused, frustrated, and struggling to find a better way. 

Do you relate to any of this?

  • Life is busy and overwhelming – you feel you can’t get off the treadmill of to-do’s.

  • You’re often anxious and feel like you’ve lost control  — your world keeps rapidly changing, and it’s affecting your physical and mental health.

  • You suffer (or have suffered) from addictive behaviors  — social media overuse, overeating, smoking, drinking too much, recovering from substance use disorder.

  • Life never seems to improve the way you want it to —  despite your best efforts of doing-more, you live on auto-pilot doing the same things over and over and continuing to feel stuck.

If you answer yes to any of those points above, you’re in the right place.

N o w  is the perfect time to learn how the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program can help you shift away from letting s t r e s s disrupt your life.

 In just a few weeks, change can be possible.  I’ll show you how.

[Book a free discovery call today]

Solution -

Developing mindfulness could lead to feeling like you are living your life on purpose, present in the moment and doing things with intention. You’ll be in control of your future.

  • You can turn things around in a way that lasts.

  • You can experience positive change, happiness, and feel more engaged with the beautiful world around you.

  • You just need to cultivate presence.

What you’ll find inside MBSR

Layed out as a discovery class, (not a notebook and take note class) – you’ll learn by experiencing, going through the motions of several types of meditation, gentle yoga movements and inquiry - an open dialog so you can share what you are experiencing in the moment.   

Week 1: Introduction to mindfulness and how to access the “being” mode of living. We ease into a guided meditation practice. 

Week 2: Discover the role of perception and learning how to “be’ with all day-to-day experiences.  

Week 3: Learn how to shift from feeling like you are habitually doing one thing after another, to actually participating in your life and creating it in the moment. 

Week 4: Learning what stress is and how it affects you, your mind and body. Becoming aware of your habitual reactivity so you can pause and make a responsive choice. 

Week 5: How to respond to physical and mental stress with practical mindfulness tools and skills for everyday living.   

Week 6: Explore how mindfulness can increase your awareness and improve how you communicate with others in difficult situations.

Week 7: How to expand the practice of mindfulness into everyday life by exploring choices that promote self-care, wellness, and healthy patterns of behavior 

Week 8: How to Making mindfulness your own by  creating a plan that works for you and your lifestyle to continue this new wellbeing habits and way of living. 

MBSR includes an All Day Retreat, away from the demands of everyday life, a powerful opportunity to experience mindfulness and practice all the meditations. 

 [Wait list - I’ll let you know when the next one is taking place]

Is this right for you? Let’s find out!