Find freedom with a fresh approach to the destructive cycle of addiction or harmful behaviors.

Illuminate Your Recovery with Mindfulness, an innovative approach to relapse prevention.

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictive Behaviors is an innovative approach to address the triggers, urges, and cravings that have you reaching a ‘fix.’




Do you relate to any of this?

You tried or explored a 12-step program and feel it is not the best fit for you at this time.

You’re exhausted and feel relapse is inevitable.

You’re losing trust in methods that have helped you before.

You sense that situations in your life could be a threat to your sobriety/behavior change.

You feel ashamed or a failure when you have urges and cravings or get triggered by circumstances.

You are overwhelmed with the stress and anxiety that are part of your recovery.

Discover how to connect with your own innate wisdom and learn the skills to make choices and changes to support a healthy lifestyle of recovery.

These few words are enough. If not these words, this breath. If not this breath, this sitting here. This opening to life we have refused again and again. Until now. Until now.

—David Whyte

Who is the Program FOR?

Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, even if you have broken your vow a thousand times. Come, yet again, come, come.
