Rest in the Present Moment Meditation
Welcome to Week 1 of our Community Mindfulness Meditation Series: Support though the Holidays. This week’s meditation is all about finding support within the present moment. Feeling supported is essential for wellbeing. We all know what it feels like to not be supported by those we love, care about, rely on, or work with, especially when times are challenging and turbulent. The holidays can be a joyful time but travel, delays, tons of family gatherings, end of year work deadlines and all the overindulging can leave us feeling disconnected and anxious, unsteady or ungrounded, or even lonely or depressed.
It’s true that we can’t always rely on those around us to give us the care, nurturing, and support we need but that doesn’t mean support isn’t always available to us in each and every moment, perhaps in a way you may have not considered before.
In this guided mindfulness meditation, I invite you to be curious and explore a new way of receiving support, one that may help you feel more grounded, connected, steady and stable, especially has you move through the holiday season.
Be resting in the present moment, you can connect with the ease, calm and stability each moment offers, moment by moment.
May you be supported and filled with ease. Mary