Discover Inner Stillness and Stability with a Mountain Meditation
Years ago, I came across a book titled Stands like Mountain, Flows like Water. I have not read it, yet, but the title truly resonated with me. What would it feel like to live from a place like this inside of me? To be able to stand strong and bravely through the peaks and valleys of life while also allowing and accepting these changes with the grace of flow. Stand and Flow. It’s a paradox like most of life’s great Truths.
This week I guide you in a mountain meditation to support you in waking up to your own ‘mountain’ essence of deep abiding inner stillness, strong rootedness, and unwavering majesty. May the qualities of the mountain serve as a teacher and guide pointing you to your own true nature.
December can feel like a fast-moving river, inside of us and all around us. Maybe the mountain help you stand strong in yourself as you let go and flow.
Stand and Flow,
xoxo Mary
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